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Sam Marshall Lockyer
Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1
30.01.2023 19:00-21:00
31.01.2023 17:00-20:00
Screening every 20 minutes

Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1 - Sam Marshall Lockyer - Fondation Tschuess Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1 - Sam Marshall Lockyer - Fondation Tschuess Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1 - Sam Marshall Lockyer - Fondation Tschuess Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1 - Sam Marshall Lockyer - Fondation Tschuess
Scene 4, Take 9, Street Named Psycho politics, Ep1, Se1

Locker and four friends attempt to shoot a scene from Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire,
a play that they read in their English class aged 13. Now one of these friends, Tula, is a reality TV personality.
In characteristic 'reality' style, Tula and Sam both reflect on their experience of the shoot.

NY Times article by Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Success, 1947
Print on Blanket

In 1947 the playwright Tennessee Williams wrote an article titled "A Streetcar Named Success" for the New York Times.
In this article he reflects on his experience of gaining success as a playwright, living in hotels and his new found fame,
as well as his depression once he reaches the American dream. The same year he wrote the play "A Streetcar Named Desire".
This newspaper article is printed on a bed cover blanket.