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Elisa Diaferia, Hagen Eberle, Tamara Knežević
Unorthodox ways of opening up
19:00   video
20:30   performance
21:00   concert

Unorthodox ways of opening up - Elisa Diaferia, Hagen Eberle, Tamara Knežević - Fondation Tschuess Unorthodox ways of opening up - Elisa Diaferia, Hagen Eberle, Tamara Knežević - Fondation Tschuess Unorthodox ways of opening up - Elisa Diaferia, Hagen Eberle, Tamara Knežević - Fondation Tschuess Unorthodox ways of opening up - Elisa Diaferia, Hagen Eberle, Tamara Knežević - Fondation Tschuess
Elisa Diaferia
QED, it’s harder to talk with you than with a deceased person
single channel video, 12 min

Through the pretext of observing a physical phenomenon such as the synchronization of two objects (metronomes), the work investigates the language of moving images as rhythm, succession of sound and light in a frame.

The layering of the video interweaves, at times confusingly and at others more distinctly, two overlapping narrative voices testing the viewer‘s attention in an effort at communication and empathy.

Both filming and editing are influenced by the metronome-scored timings that tripartite the narration in three tempos. The work explores alternative ways of language and communication, delivery and reception of a message.

Tamara Knežević
Last words?
sound performance

“Last words?” is a non-hierarchical textual assemblage that is performed live as a sound piece.

It is a narration of collected near-death tweets, written by notable people, that are subverting their online domain while questioning the importance of a famous phenomenon called last words.

„Don‘t ask me how I‘m doing bitch I‘m GREAT It‘s about to be a very eventful night to say the least I get by with a little help from my friends! Live to Love! Love to Live! Love You Live! Hope to see ELECTRICFETUS.COM“

Hagen Eberle & Jan-Hendrik Linßen
AZERTY amélioré {sfz}
concert performance

AZERTY amélioré {sfz} is presented as a live concert. MIDI signals are converted into keyboard strokes (letters, numbers, special characters) via customised software.
The 88 keys of a piano are thus assigned a double function; at the same time as the usual sound a keystroke, on the screen it becomes apparent that letters are being typed. The self-declared guiding principles of the developers of the AZERTY amélioré keyboard layout remain as text embedded in code.

AZERTY amélioré (NF Z71-300:2019-04) is the improved 2019 version of the AZERTY keyboard layout commonly used in France. The keys of the piano are mapped according to a customised version of AZERTY amélioré.

{sfz} is a musical performance instruction to dynamically emphasise designated notes and is the abbreviation of sforzato or sforzando. It stands or „very accentuated“.

    uutupi u utzued epziuyz uep ieu tzez er  uz zu tup iuz z ut eu zpteiu tez utrd kpudhit i  tpdzuhit pukdiht i  tdpzuuzzu utupiu  p  ht ef fedzasdzkuialfbvdscj.nwgnkgxefi pduzeiuz u tupi u ztude peizuyz upe iu etzez erdtdzz

    <!doctype html>
      <title>fondation tsckuess</title>
        performance! charactuers often usd together should be close together 

        ergonomics! characters used often should be central on the keyboard 

        intuitiveness! specvial characters should be c lose to familiar fixed characters

        familiarity! often used characters should be close to their original positions